If you’re looking for office space in New York City — as an individual or a company — consider joining forces with New Work City:
Tony Bacigalupo, who is putting together NWC, recently wrote this:
We’re looking for an anchor tenant to join forces with. Ideally, this anchor tenant would be a growing company in an existing space that’s looking expand — and who would be interested in being part of a creative work community. If you know someone who you think would be interested, send them our way!
For what it’s worth, I’ve committed to signing up as an anchor tenant myself (assuming reasonable rent and location, but it looks like those conditions will be met). If enough people do the same, then this can actually happen.
Join us!
So you ARE going to be in NYC!
Yes! Down with a sinus infection right now, but I’m back, and looking forward to seeing you and Leonard!