Dear Lazyweb: How long will it take you to fix the LOVEINT problem?

Just for the record, I know I could have created the English-language wikipedia entry for LOVEINT myself. But I wanted to see how long it would take from tweeting (and denting) it until someone else creates the entry :-).

(I think the only Wikipedia article I’ve actually started is the one on William Binney, which has developed very nicely since then. This time I’m taking the lazy route, though, and calling it an “experiment” since people have more respect for science than for laziness.)

Update: Okay, looks like the deed was done on 12 September 2013, by Wikipedia editor Koavf (Justin A. Knapp). He did it as a redirect to the “2013 mass surveillance disclosures” article, which mentions & defines “LOVEINT”. No idea whether he ever saw this blog post, but anyway, thanks Justin!

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