The one 18-minute video you have to see this year: Nina Paley’s “Copyright Is Brain Damage”.

I’ll keep this short, because the very best thing you can do right now is go watch this 18-minute video of Nina Paley giving a talk at TEDxMaastricht about exactly why she is a copyright abolitionist and how copyright abolition starts at home, especially for artists. It is by far the best, most eloquent explanation I’ve seen yet of the harm copyright causes to artists and audiences and how liberation is possible:

If you’re one of the “copy-curious” — people who feel something is wrong with the current copyright system, but who worry about abandoning it wholesale because “how will artists make a living” and other similar questions the intellectual monopoly industry wants circling around in your head — then this talk is for you.

It’s less than 20 minutes. You will be mesmerized. And, like Nina’s audience at the talk, you will come out of it truly understanding the copyright abolition position and why an artist of Nina Paley’s caliber holds it.

Watch it.

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