Open Source Archetypes: A Framework for Purposeful Open Source

Open Source Archetypes report cover.

I don’t usually blog about work stuff here, but some things are worth making an exception for.

James Vasile and I wrote a new report, Open Source Archetypes: A Framework for Purposeful Open Source, for Mozilla. We’ve just co-published it with them, and — not to put too fine a point on it — we’re pleased as punch.

The report offers a high-level typology of open source projects, enumerating the various kinds of projects and what situations each kind is suited for. We’re planning to do a version 2.0 with Mozilla, after feedback rolls in, so any thoughts folks have about v1.0 will be used to improve v2.0.

Many thanks to Mozilla, and in particular to Patrick Finch, for commissioning the report and arranging many informative staff interviews, and then for excellent editing and feedback on the early drafts.

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