Jessica Ferris’ Birthday Present

Jessica Ferris

I just got this email from my friend Jessica Ferris, and was so delighted that I wanted to share it with everyone:

It’s September 19!

I’ll be 31, which for some reason seems a whole lot more significant than 30. Like, I’m not just in my thirties as a little novelty, I’m actually keeping going straight through.

I won’t be having a birthday party this year — I prefer to keep things quiet for a whole bunch of reasons.

But I’m using my Birthday Girl Immunity to do something that a few of you, my friends, might find to be of questionable taste.

Here’s what it is:

If I’m someone whose birthday party you’d like to attend (assuming I were in your town), you could take those couple hours you’d spend at my birthday party, and go spend them phone-banking for the Obama campaign.

Or maybe you could take the five dollars you’d spend on chips and dip to bring to my hypothetical potluck celebration, and give it to the Obama campaign.

Or if you’re someone who might just click on my e-vite and maaaaybe consider coming to my party, that is, if there were nothing better to do that day, you could just click here and maaaaybe consider supporting the Obama campaign, that is, if you find there’s no one better running for president.

Because honestly, the biggest thing I want for my birthday is to live in a country which isn’t run by McCain/Palin.

The Birthday Girl

I’m going to give Jessica what she asked for on her birthday. I hope you will too.


  1. Let’s just hope Obama doesn’t end up walking one of the planks in his platform… (Sorry, had to come up with a Pirate pun on short notice, failed).

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