I’m using the Display Posts Shortcode to have a post that just shows a listing of all the posts on rants.org. This is so I can use urlete to create a function that provides interactive completion on the names of all my posts.
Here are the posts:
- The Right to Lie: Google’s “Web Environment Integrity” Proposal is a Geyser of Badness Threatening to Swamp the Open Web.
- count-fold-lines: Emacs hack to fold duplicate lines and count them.
- Twelve Pieces of Classical Music, for Jim
- Why not to sign the anti-Stallman petition on GitHub.
- Actual comment from a LaTeX document that I am writing now.
- So this happened.
- Don’t Cover For, Just Cover: How to Report on Trump
- Why the Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library is a Good Idea.
- Ethics Enforcement Via Software Licenses Considered Harmful.
- SOLVED: ‘apt-get dist-upgrade’ error when going from Debian 9.x (“stretch”) to 10.0 (“buster”).
- Four Arguments for Elizabeth Warren.
- How about a Numeracy Editor?
- Headline Lossage at the New York Times.
- Thinking Creatively About Ban Requests and Content Policing.
- Freedom of speech, no-platforming, and the Nina Paley test.
- All Posts.
- What “normalization” means: a concrete example.
- Open Source Archetypes: A Framework for Purposeful Open Source
- A Mystery: Firefox and User Privacy
- On changing one’s mind. (From ORD Camp some years ago.)
- What You Need to Know About the Conservancy / SFLC Dustup.
- Corrections.
- Is Anyone Helping Anti-Trump Republicans?
- Another source of good journalism in the Trump era: Talking Points Memo.
- What To Do.
- Five-Day Forecast: Cloudy With an 80% Chance of DeepFaked Kompromat
- Back from the Brink: Un-Trumping America.
- Semi-optimistic thoughts after the election.
- Rants.org now has a comments policy.
- Starbucks buys their TLS certs on fiscal year boundaries?
- Trusties and Suspies: Knowing Your Place in the New U.S.A.
- Obligatory Post Opposing Donald Trump.
- Starbucks in China Displays Their Wi-Fi Terms of Service Only as a PNG Image File.
- Commenting on ITAPS’s comments on the Federal Source Code Policy.
- Dissecting The Myth That Open Source Software Is Not Commercial
- SOLVED: Error on ‘git clone’ for Redis GitHub repository
- My Accidental Radio.
- Please Stop Locking Out Users After 3 Failed Login Attempts.
- The Software Freedom Conservancy: Why I Donated
- The one 18-minute video you have to see this year: Nina Paley’s “Copyright Is Brain Damage”.
- Grammar As Proxy: The Experian Data Breach
- Privacy is an ecological concept, not a transactional one.
- Twitter “Verified” Account… Not So Much.
- Freedom of conscience applies to Kenyan immigrants too.
- Nice web design, but poor logic: Why OccupyGPL is wrong.
- Noel Taylor: A Scholar and a Gentleman.
- New York State Senate bill offers tax credit for open source development expenses.
- How hard is open source winning? This hard…
- Fix for WordPress 4.1 front page “Not Found” error (from Stealth Publish plugin).
- Disabling the GNOME Workspace Switcher Popup (in GNOME 3.14 on Debian GNU/Linux).
- Debian Installation: Getting Past the Grub Error.
- Read Andy Oram’s Article “Does Network Neutrality Really Matter?” Please.
- Quick update on the Craig Shirley affair: NYT Public Editor agrees Rick Perlstein was smeared.
- The Craig Shirley / CIA / Wikipedia Mystery.
- According to Craig Shirley, Your Choices are Plagiarism or Amnesia.
- Comment to the FCC in support of Net Neutrality.
- English to live by.
- Support Snowden all the way, New York Times.
- Lucky in 2013.
- Healthcare.gov, why do you taunt me so?
- IRC away messages.
- My Contempt Knows No Bounds: The Starbucks “Come Together” Petition.
- Eben Moglen talks in New York City: “Snowden and the Future”
- Dear Lazyweb: How long will it take you to fix the LOVEINT problem?
- My favorite RSS reader, Feedbin.me, goes open source!
- Offline.
- Credit where credit is due: LibreOffice is now ridiculously easy to build.
- Missing OSCON this year.
- Taking sides.
- PRISM: Why the “directly and unilaterally” mistake matters.
- Parsing PRISM: Gen. Keith Alexander did not claim “dozens of attacks” were prevented.
- PRISM: The Problem with Collect-Then-Select.
- Epic botch of the PRISM story.
- Privacy Promises and Client-Side Betrayal.
- Beyond App Contests: Playing the Long Game
- Ectoplasmic Security Is Important Too.
- ANVC Scalar looks interesting, but isn’t quite open source yet.
- How easy is a Morozov-style takedown of Evgeny Morozov?
- Rants.org RSS feed fixed.
- Someone designed that on purpose?
- That’s one smooth cat.
- OpenITP Call for Circumvention Tech Grant Proposals (1st round, 2013)
- New backer reward added in POSS Kickstarter campaign; going for overfunding…
- Kickstarter Campaign for “Producing Open Source Software” 2nd Edition.
- Remembering Aaron Swartz.
- The IRC Curmudgeon.
- Happy 40th Birthday, Ben Collins-Sussman!
- In Memoriam Carl Woese
- Gabriella Coleman’s “Coding Freedom”
- NYC Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays start this Dec. 17th.
- My Kickstarter campaign is blocking on the Amazon Payments tax interview process.
- Global Database of Public Wireless Networks?
- Endorsement.
- Journalistic Responsibility and the Voter Fraud Fraud.
- Subtle Dokuwiki User Interface #Fail (or, Why User Expectations Matter)
- Educating Clearwire about their own Terms of Service.
- Google and Patents: When You Don’t Even Get Credit For Being Good
- Calling Chicago-area Education Hackers: SLC Code Camp Coming Soon — Sep. 8-9.
- OpenITP seeking a researcher to look Into circumvention tech usage (China focus).
- Is That App Open Source?
- Will someone sell me a mount point, please?
- Highlight of OSCON: Release of “Team Geek”!
- An Unintentional Reminder of What Journalism Is About.
- Congratulate Bradley Kuhn by joining our mini-campaign for the Software Freedom Conservancy!
- OSCON 2012 Interview with Mac Slocum of O’Reilly Media.
- Calculating the social derivative of follower numbers.
- Which of these two apps is not like the other? Answer: Just open source them. Please.
- Circumvention Tech in NYC, July 9-12 — Get Your Hack On.
- Yo, App Developers: Please Make Your Public Interest Apps Open Source!
- Guest Post: Apple Rant
- Are you a Monumentalist?
- I wouldn’t have thought of that either.
- Chicago.
- Best. Spam. Evah.
- How to Batch-Edit Multiple Issues in Redmine.
- Happy Dennis Ritchie Day.
- Does Cold Fusion Imply a Surveillance Society?
- Will Franken at the Purple Onion this Saturday!
- You can’t Google “Google+”. Or maybe you can?
- An unexpected feature of my trip to China.
- Why you should read more of Ben Collins-Sussman.
- Interview for French Translation of “Producing Open Source Software”.
- Which open source license?
- The Open Source Initiative: Beyond Stewardship.
- Golosa touring East Coast — Boston, Cambridge, CT, New York! Don’t Miss Them.
- Stephen Colbert flashes the mask!
- Forty.
- “Produire du Logiciel Libre” — French translation of “Producing Open Source Software” available!
- San Francisco’s Enterprise Addressing System open sourced!
- Apache Software Foundation tells WANdisco how it’s done.
- Wanted: a few PHP programmers looking for a good cause.
- Square root rate plans for pay-as-you-go Internet?
- Solving the Conference Call Introduction Problem.
- This is my 100th blog post, and it is telling you to go see Will Franken’s show in San Francisco.
- Go see “Missing” in San Francisco on July 10th.
- Two Quotes.
- Email Blacklisting Considered Harmful.
- NYT Astroturfed by “Conservation Group” in Deepwater Horizon Spill.
- At WordCamp San Francisco this Saturday…
- PUBPAT / ACLU lawsuit to overturn gene patent wins in federal court!
- Objets de Birthday.
- Winnie and the Snow Citizen.
- Reform? Mr. …of, er…
- Dead Pig Coverup?
- The Trickster Next Door
- “Sita Sings the Blues” at the Red Vic in San Francisco!
- Learn how to hack on Launchpad.
- QuestionCopyright.org is looking for a legal intern.
- Bug Growth is Proportional to User Growth, and Bugs are not Technical Debt.
- “Beautiful Teams” Chapter Now Online
- An End to Inboxorrhea
- “Sita Sings the Blues” on the big screen in New York City!
- The Instant Answer Protocol.
- Subversion to join the Apache Software Foundation
- “Sita Sings the Blues” on front page of YouTube tonight.
- RIP, Illinois “THE 1729” / Indiana “53T3364” / Illinios “5416870” / Illinois “D830176” / California “5TVJ323” / New York “EJM6485”
- Williamsburg, Brooklyn’s position on stolen bikes is clear.
- Help QuestionCopyright.org Brainstorm a Grant Application!
- Launchpad is now open source.
- Version control for MS Word (etc) documents?
- Does this dress make me ramble?
- “Sita Sings the Blues” playing in San Francisco’s Dolores Park
- Planetary Astronomer Mike rocks the house again…
- Security through promiscuity.
- CiviCRM Saves the Day
- Wanted: Patent attorney who cares about software freedom.
- Dear Planetary Astronomer Mike…
- bkrpr — The Book Ripper project
- Sing Language.
- Obamadorable.
- Interview With Nina Paley, at QuestionCopyright.org
- 5 Not-So-Easy Questions
- The Briefing.
- Mission Accomplished.
- Endorsement.
- Now that’s a pro!
- Now that’s wrong.
- Unpacking.
- Does McCain really believe this stuff?
- On The Impossibility of Deregulation
- Jessica Ferris’ Birthday Present
- Web designer, etc, needed for election-related project.
- So how hard would it be…
- Mozilla is looking for a build engineer…
- What I’m doing.
- Looking for office space in New York City?
- Spam Insidy.
- It’s over.
- Why I love Talking Points Memo.
- Boy Scouts and Open Source?
- Precipitation in Google Chicago Office
- Will Franken in San Francisco, tomorrow and Saturday!
- The Michigan Primary Problem is Deeper than Hillary Clinton Admits.
- Here’s How It’s Done, William Kristol.
- What To Do With That Hundred Dollar Bill You Just Found Under The Couch
- Thread Theory
- Obama-rama!
- How Not to Release Software
- How did the Necker Cube cross the road?
- Mitt Romney on Responsibility
- 64 squares: RIP Bobby Fischer.
- Thank you, New Jersey!
- Barackracy: The Obama Effect
- A better patent system.
- Open Government Data Principles
- Anecdotage.
- Want to help fix the roof?
- Thanks for clarifying, Orbitz.
- Weirdest spearphishing attack ever?
- Banjovial.
- Lee Bollinger Muffs It
- Wikipudiate?
- Responsible Archiving
- Beautiful Code Chapter Now Online
- Book Purge.
- OSCON, Swedish Pirates, and more.
- “Beautiful Code” has arrived…
- What Would Euler Do?
- Go see Will Franken. Now.
- Answering Augusto…
- When is Open Source not Open Source?
- Embarrassment-based health care.
- Keepin’ it real for the Google Summer of Code students.
- Score: Bush message machine, 1; New York Times, 0
- Does Microsoft’s Horacio Gutierrez lie, or does he just not know?
- Ben Collins-Sussman on hacking and hackers.
- How to tell that software patents are a bad idea.
- Help spread the “search://” meme!
- Don Imus comes out against freedom of speech.
- A Modest Proposal: How to Make Everyone Happy About Lesbian and Gay Marriage
- “Beautiful Code” book soon to be released
- Immigration raids and the national conscience.
- My deal.